I have been a M.I.A recently with my blog and it is for no other reason than the topic of my next post.

M.I.P.M (Mommy's Intimate Personal Moments). This is a little thing I do at least once every 3 months, might go 4 but I must do this twice a year. I say must because I had to find a way to hold myself accountable to myself, to take care of myself. Lots of 'myselfs' in there I know it sounds a little selfish right? Trust me its all but selfish.

If you remember, in my previous post I spoke of allowing yourself to be sick, which honestly I still fight with. Well M.I.P.M is allowing yourself to be pampered. Paint your nails, sip a little wine on a weekday 😮, fiddle with your hair, buy a new lipstick, sneak the good chocolates when the kids are asleep (they pair well with the wine😉) and the biggest one of all, limit social media. Give yourself time to breathe from the monotony of the social day to day. Sounds like a clip from a movie right? Sounds impossible to do right? Trust me it’s not, nor is it expensive. If you do it right, the only cost you will incur is the chocolates, wine and lipstick and that’s only if you don’t have the wine and chocolates already. As far as it sounding like a movie clip, honestly we all deserve to star in scene from our life movie.

So here is how I did it. As a mom of two the M.I.P.M takes at least 2 weeks, seeing that you are needed more often than you can imagine (we don’t get to take a vacation from being moms). Those weeks were filled with myself moments. I more often than not begin with my nails. I don’t paint my fingernails, because I wash dishes polish would wear off too quickly, so I use clear calcium on my fingernails. I paint my toenails in any color I choose. During this in home mani/pedi, I listen to music and disappear in the beat as I sit and let everything dry. Importantly though, before I started this process, I made sure my LO was asleep and my elder kid was occupied. It’s as easy as that. The only difficult part of M.I.P.M is the break from social media. This takes you to a place where phone calls and texts are your main connection, and definitely turn off all alerts. Designate a moment during your chosen time to do a quick check if you think it necessary. But take it from me after your second attempt at a break from the constant chimes and pings, you will look forward to the digital silence.

Now, for those that sugar might be a problem, or chocolates aren't your thing, just use what ever comforts you. One comfort snack won't hurt you. And for those that the wine won't work. Brew your favorite coffee or specialty tea. There is always a food that makes us feel special...get it, enjoy it. The whole point of M.I.P.M is, enjoying the moment and being present with yourself, so what you choose to do, or comfort yourself with does not matter.

1/ Just choose a day or two
2/ Pick a pampering activity
3/ Ensure you have at least 30 mins to one hour to yourself
4/ Put your phone on vibrate
5/ Enjoy your own company

Five simple steps to you. Try it...Guaranteed you will love it!


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