I have been a M.I.A recently with my blog and it is for no other reason than the topic of my next post. M.I.P.M (Mommy's Intimate Personal Moments). This is a little thing I do at least once every 3 months, might go 4 but I must do this twice a year. I say must because I had to find a way to hold myself accountable to myself, to take care of myself. Lots of 'myselfs' in there I know it sounds a little selfish right? Trust me its all but selfish. If you remember, in my previous post I spoke of allowing yourself to be sick, which honestly I still fight with. Well M.I.P.M is allowing yourself to be pampered. Paint your nails, sip a little wine on a weekday 😮, fiddle with your hair, buy a new lipstick, sneak the good chocolates when the kids are asleep (they pair well with the wine😉) and the biggest one of all, limit social media. Give yourself time to breathe from the monotony of the social day to day. Sounds like a clip from a movie right? Sounds impossible to do right?...